Friday, July 29, 2011

Keeping the Future Honest

Alexander Lau
29 July 2011

Keeping the Future Honest

We live in a world where lying is common place. Lying is easy and helps us get what we want. However, lying shows others who we really are, disrespectful, dishonest, and irresponsible. A single lie is enough to tarnish who we are even if that lie was to prevent feelings from being hurt. Being honest can be hard, especially if the truth hurts others. [Thesis] As future parents and leaders, we must show others that honesty is important, especially when the truth impacts people around us. [Thesis]

As we go through life many of us will eventually become parents. As parents you need to be honest, especially with children at a young age. Children are very receptive to what the parents do even when they do not know what is happening. They like to copy what their parents do, so being honest with the people around you will help your child develop into an honest person.

According to Dr. Timothy Quek, fear is one of the reasons why children lie. Timothy states, “Consider the child who lies because she fears that her mother would ‘blow up’ at her, or that dad would take privileges away, or that the teacher would send her (or her friend) to the principal’s office.” As a parent, you need to show them what honesty is and how important being honest is. The fear children have is justified. No likes being punished for being truthful. They need to understand there are times when withholding the truth could make the situation far worse. The truth can save headaches later on.

 Timothy mentions an old proverb, “What parents do in moderation, children do in excess.” He also states, “One potent source of modeling, however, is from within the home.” At a young age, the people children are in contact with the most are their parents. This is why being honest is important. The way you act will rub off on the child. As they grow and meet more people you will not have the ability to know who they meet or learn from. However, the home is an environment you can control. This is the time to develop how your child grows.

Lying, cheating, and stealing are all traits of a dishonest person. No one likes to be around a dishonest person because no one will know if they can be trusted. Honesty is important, not just to others, but also to each of us. No one likes to be lied to. John Kaminaka wrote, “To lie would only make life harder.” Lying to others just makes us feel guilty, which makes life harder. Telling the truth is not always easy, but life becomes much easier when the truth is out. Being honest not just makes life easier, but also sets a good example to others.

Tiger Woods is an example of how telling the truth would have made life easier. Tiger Woods is a high profile person in the news. He is in trouble because he was dishonest about his love life. Tiger cheated on his wife and lied to her. The media found out about Tiger cheating on his wife. In a televised speech he told his fans and other watching a lie. Soon, people found out about the truth and the situation got worse. His lies have gotten him into big trouble. Tiger Woods is a golfer and his situation has affected his play. He has not been playing well mostly because of the distraction of the situation he is in. He is also in money trouble because of his troubles. Sponsors no longer think Tiger is profitable and will no longer back him. Only if Tiger was honest with his wife and his situation all the trouble he has now would well be different. However, he decided to hide the truth and now things are bigger and far worse than he wanted to have.

Being a leader is no different. You will be responsible for those under you. What you do and say will reflect what others think of you. Your actions will influence those you command. Being a leader is a big responsibility. If anything happens to those under you, you will be held responsible regardless if you were not involved. Showing those under you the importance of honesty is very important. They can be more trusting of you and be more readily to tell you the truth.

One famous leader on television is Barack Obama. He is the president of the United States of America. When he is on television all eyes are on him. Anything he does is scrutinized, whether that is giving a speech or taking a relaxing walk he will be judged. Since he is the highest authority in the United States political hierarchy being truthful is very important. Every speech he gives will be looked at and debated over to see what is being said. Anything his staff does will be reflected on him. As president, he cannot afford others to think of him a liar.

You may not have images of being president, but if you plan to be a manager of a company or leading a children’s field trip, eyes will be watching you. If you are dishonest people will know. When you are labeled dishonest you become untrustworthy. People will not want to be associated with you. Sarah Hepola wrote, “For some, Blair will be another example of journalism’s ethical erosion, or another high-hopes youngster whose ambition got the better of him. He will be a villain and a liar and a fraud.” She was writing about a colleague who was using fake quotes and was caught. People feel cheated and lied to. That is why honesty is very important. You need people know you can be trusted. You also need to let others know that you can be trusted.

Honesty is an important concept everyone knows about, but are not always are. As a parent, teaching your child honesty is important. He will grow up to be trusted by others and become important. As a leader, honesty is very important. Eyes will be on you scrutinizing what you do. You are responsible for the people you lead. Your action influences others on how to act, which if anything bad should come will be reflected on you. At times, honesty is hard because of the consequences, but you want to set a good example to others for your sake and theirs.


Hepola, Sarah. "To Tell You the Truth." The Morning News. 16 May 2003. 29 July 2011 [].

Kaminaka, John. “Discussion #2.” Online posting. 28 July 2011. Laulima Discussion. 29 July 2011 [].

Quek, Timothy. "The Truth about a Child's Compulsive Lying."  Dr. Timothy K. Quek's Webpage. 8 Apr. 2003. 29 July 2011 [].


  1. Alexander Lau
    Your paper was good you had a good thesis and good flow. I liked the examples that you used on Tiger Woods and the President. You followed guidelines and stayed with the subject. I saw some grammatical errors though.

  2. Your essay was good, and I liked how you creatively used Tiger Wood's situation to back up your points, because it really helped strengthen your essay. There were quite a few mechanical/grammatical errors. I think if you reread your essay you can catch them because they are minor. I noticed that you used a lot of "short" sentences in your essay. You should combine some of those sentences together because it really helps your paper to be more interesting when you have a combination of "long" and "short" sentences. It gives the reader variation. Overall, you had all the requirements in the guidelines and with some minor improvements, your essay has the potential to be a very strong essay.

  3. Your introduction was really good, it stated your point clearly through your thesis. There were grammatical/spelling errors that would need to be fixed for the final though. I noticed that you were missing an example of personal experience from your life that was suppose to support your topic. I believe this was a requirement for this paper. Another thing was the Tiger Woods example. I see where you were trying to go with that, and his situation does support your point. Although your thesis says "As future parents and leaders, we must show others that honesty is important, especially when the truth impacts people around us." Maybe you should make clear whether he's a leader or parent, and how his lies impacted people around him. Otherwise right now you just state that he lied, and that it affects his life and his golfing. The rest of your examples and quotes I felt were really good though. Another thing I noticed was that you didn't restate your thesis in your conclusion. Overall good job though, your paper was easy to read and flowed pretty good.
